What do you think is the strongest part of the blog? This
could be a certain post, the writing style, the graphic design, the use of
alternative media, the images, etc. What makes this element so strong?
The strongest part of your blog is you diary entries. You
have really engaged into your character and have shown a realistic style of
writing of what she would have said. I love how you have taken lines from the
play and have turned them around and put more detail into what you think about.
What you also did really well is you linked one of your lines to a image that
you have researched online.
3. After reading the
blog, what would you like to know more about? Is there a post that leaves you
with questions? Write down at least two questions to help your partner further
develop this blog.
I would like to know more about what you have done in class
and Tanya’s home life. Tell me more about what she is like as a person and what
her true feelings are towards everybody else.
4. Did you notice any
major misspellings or grammatical issues? Please note down anything.
I did notice a few spelling mistakes, but they are just
simple things like names.
5. Did your partner
fulfil all the requirements on the Character Blog Requirements hand-out?
No they did not; they have done very well so far. What I would
like is more pictures and makes you blog more exciting and engaging to look at