Thursday, 17 October 2013

Punk Rock Performance

The performance of Punk Rock went so well. Everyone did great and it really looked good.

My performance went well. The group took on the advice given during rehearsal really well and it worked out. I believe the scene went great and that the objectives of each character was clear. Characterization from the group was good and believable. I'm really happy with the performance we did.

Another group that I believe went really well was Katie, Hannah and Olivia's group as there scene was really good and their performance was really believable. There objectives and characterization where clear and really well performed.

Overall the play went really well as was so much fun to work on within the group.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Analysis on My Blog


What do you think is the strongest part of the blog? This could be a certain post, the writing style, the graphic design, the use of alternative media, the images, etc. What makes this element so strong?

The strongest part of your blog is you diary entries. You have really engaged into your character and have shown a realistic style of writing of what she would have said. I love how you have taken lines from the play and have turned them around and put more detail into what you think about. What you also did really well is you linked one of your lines to a image that you have researched online.


3.  After reading the blog, what would you like to know more about? Is there a post that leaves you with questions? Write down at least two questions to help your partner further develop this blog.

I would like to know more about what you have done in class and Tanya’s home life. Tell me more about what she is like as a person and what her true feelings are towards everybody else.


4.  Did you notice any major misspellings or grammatical issues? Please note down anything.

I did notice a few spelling mistakes, but they are just simple things like names.


5.  Did your partner fulfil all the requirements on the Character Blog Requirements hand-out?

No they did not; they have done very well so far. What I would like is more pictures and makes you blog more exciting and engaging to look at

Friday, 4 October 2013

Warm ups

Warm ups

In lesson's we do warm up activities to get our bodies and minds ready for the day ahead. Each activity helps us get in tune with our bodies and helps us with our vocal skills.

We will do stretches and exercise to wake up our bodies for the day ahead. One of the common exercise we do is the spine roll where you will roll your spine from a standing position to a bent over position on one breathe. This helps get our breathing and body in tune.

Other activities we do are vocal where we work with our voices. We do many like using different sounds to help with our vocal chords and recently we did an exercise called head, heart, guts and groin where we used different actions and voices. Like we would walk around in neutral then stop and speak in a logical voice and does what it says, this is from the head, then we would stop and speak to someone and speak to them with sensitivity and this is from the heart, then we would place our hands against the wall putting all our weight into our hands and shouting from our guts, in anger or frustration from the guts, finally we leant against the wall with our backs to it and said in a voice that was sensual this came from the groin our line to see the effect of each voice on the line and too see which fitted it best for the scene.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Actor's blog


A lot of people believe acting is easy, that reading a line and doing an action is acting but its not that simple.

What makes a good actor?

A good actor is someone who can detach themselves from who they are and become someone completely different. Too be able to change your personality and identity to become the character you need to become. To be able to draw your emotions out and show them through your characters perspective. A good actor needs to be able to make the audience believe in their character, to feel what they feel and have empathy or hatred towards them.

What makes a bad actor?

A bad actor is someone who over acts unnecessarily and doesn't put effort into their performance. Not listening to other actors ideas and advice. Not listening to others lines and concentrating purely on yourself is also bad acting as this can make your performance look unrehearsed and believable. Unless its a monologue, other characters, even if they are not the main, are just as important as they make the performance what it is.

How do I improve?

To improve my own performance and acting skills I must listen to other actors involved in my own play as well as using their ideas on how my character should act or be. This will help me improve my character development. As well as this I should read between the lines of the script, don't just read the lines, feel the emotion and think my characters thoughts at that specific time in the play, this will help my performance skills and make my character much more believable and realistic.

Warm ups

Each week we do different exercises to warm up. Our tasks vary between physical and vocal activity to get us ready for the day of acting ahead. We do these warm ups to help us wake up, help us with controlling our breaths and getting us in touch with our body's.